MCR was established and launched by the Ministry of Welfare Services (now known as Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development) under the chairmanship of the Honourable Minister for Welfare Services on 17th November 1973.
The meeting was attended by over 70 representatives from 17 national non-governmental bodies, 11 governmental departments and other organisations. At present, MCR is affiliated to Rehabilitation International, Asia & Pacific Disability Forum (APDF, formerly known as Regional NGO Network), International Abilympics Federation, VSA (Very Special Arts) and International Council on Social Welfare.
The vision of The Council is a society wherein there is “Full Participation and Equal Opportunities” for the disabled as they live and work side by side with the general population and have access to all amenities and facilities in the community.
The mission of The Council is to provide support and collaborative efforts in fostering the implementation of services for the disabled which will equip them with appropriate skills through rehabilitation, education and vocational training programmes.